Baxter brand story
Emotions shouldn’t be described, they should be experienced
Baxter is a unique brand with a multi-faceted spirit focused on design, trends, new material, that is the fruit of passion. A single material leather. Sophisticated clientele, contemporary luxury moods that are consistently new and amazing.
They firmly believe in “Continuity gives us roots, change gives us branches, letting us stretch and grow and reach new heights”.
Baxter’s history began with love at first sight: leather, a timeless original reinvention of leather. A love that is and was, day after day, powered by an infinite passion for manufacturing furniture that’s beautiful, well made, designed and created to convey emotions. Entrusted from the very beginning to master tanners, guardians of ancient traditions, the leather is skilfully processed and treated naturally, enhancing its properties and intrinsic qualities. Culture and quality; this is the combination by which leather is transformed into the valuable raw material and symbol of Baxter excellence.
This family story starts from passion and grows, thanks to human capital, the people with whom you constantly work and measure yourself with. This is a young story though, dating back only to 1990’s, but looking way back in time, to a century-old entrepreneurial tradition, flourished on the Brianza fertile land, that has always been producing the excellence in furniture for aristocracy first and middle class after, and today pursues in its creations for all beauty lovers. It is a story about a family, one that orbits around two Italian enlightened entrepreneurs, Luigi and Paolo Bestetti.
Through their design, Baxter is able to evoke an emotion that aims to balance ingredients that, like in a perfect recipe, make a truly unique experience of looking at an object, touching it and plunging into its mood. This is a story about furnishing, that, like our skin’s extensions, become leather, hide, turning into special clothes speaking about the passing of time and tracing the lines of the future.
What’s your Mood, you ask?
Baxter does not take this question for granted. Yes, because the mood, the way of feeling, is meaningful and, in the collections, it is explored through mixing and matching: a never-predictable blend of materials, colours, textures and writings. This is a winning trend. The project becomes a style game: subtle, fizzy, elegant, sensual. The result depends on the players and awards only the bravest taking risks as a way of making art. That aside, there is only one rule: the matching harmony, going further the single product and taking the shape and the essence of the overall view. Then, there’s the pleasure of variety, the proxy inside the rule, the same that embraces the world of fashion and art, that opens the doors to a modern eclecticism expressed through the balance of tradition and innovation, and through the contamination of signs, hue colours, materials and topcoats. At the heart of everything, there’s the freedom of the creative process, the ability to generate, through ingenious combinations, timeless ideas that are born from a never-ending research that, thanks to the variety and the customization, anticipates trends and supports also different tastes.
This is a 100% Italian story beaming into an International panorama, one that starts from the reinterpretation of the English taste and evolves, through the art of leather working and shaping, into the production of unique collections.
This is the story of Baxter.
Originally written for Meztli